Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Library trip

Since the El Cajon library is so close to our house, usually I just walk over with the kids.  Or rather, the kids ride in the stroller, and Mama huffs and puffs while pushing two kids and a stroller.  But I digress...

Yesterday was different in the fact that I picked the kids up by car from their daycare, and my precocious little son, says "Mama, can we go to the library?"  And I respond, "Duh."  Which makes him laugh, and I say what all parents say "What do you say?"  And he responds "Mease?  Mease!"  This is Cash-speak for please.  He also does the sign language part of it that he was taught when was a baby, which is holding your hands in front of your chest, fingers touching thumb, and touching each hand to each other.  It sounds weird, I know, but in actuality, it's kinda cute.  Here are some pics from our little trip (but none in the library itself - cause ya gotta respect the library).

This is in the car before going in the El Cajon library (don'tcha just love how Cash has his hands behind his head - that kid think he is all kinds of cool):


Cash, checking out the treasure box:


By now the kids are getting pissed at me:


But one last picture!


Note, if you will, Cash's styling outfit...Yo Gabba Gabba sweatshirt, Chuck Taylors and cute black scallycap, courtesy of my good friend Shonna Renee Guinn.  Lily's outfit is trying, but really it's the jacket that makes it, but unfortunately, in my pics, you can't really tell.


  1. Cash is one stylin' little man!!! Lily is getting so big...this year has just flown by. So adorable.

    How does Lily do in the library?

  2. El Cajon???

    El cajon???

    My cousins grew up in El Cajon.

    Instant love.

    So glad ALuckyDame sent me.


  3. Thanks all! Lily does fabulous in the library, as long as she's held, usually by me, she does wonderful. She even had her picture taken while being held by a couple of Chaldean women. LOL
    @TheEmpress - we scored a 1/3 of an acre literally two blocks from Main Street, the library and the church circle. We have enough land to have chickens...ALuckyDame will tell ya...her oldest and my oldest ran around like crazies in our backyard. :)

  4. Visiting from RefundCents and I am looking forward to following your blog. Best wishes.
