As many of you know (or not), I went to college in Wyoming. I had never been to Wyoming, much less any of the states around it like Colorado, Utah or Montana. But still, I wanted to study with a certain anthropology professor, and he worked out of the University of Wyoming. So I said, that's it, I'm transferring to UW. And I did. My dad and I towed my car packed full to the gills, and meandered (reality check: we really drove as fast as one can towing a car!) our way through New Mexico, up through Colorado and stayed the night with my aunt and uncle in northern Colorado. From there, we drove up over the pass and directly into Laramie.
It was one of the most fun experiences of my life, and to this day, I've always wished I could move back. Well, it appears that there might be an opportunity for me to do that now. With of course, my husband and children! So cross your fingers that I get called for an interview...and of course, that I ace it!
Hubs and I have spent numerous hours talking about the subject of our moving, into the ground. We've listed pros and cons and what would be the benefits and the negatives of such a move. Ultimately, we've decided that if we're going to do this, there is no time better than the present. Both of our children are under age four, so they're not enrolled in elementary school, yet they've both been in daycare, so are sort of used to strangers taking care of them. The best part that I can see is that my son would actually have a chance to bond with his daddy, because dad would be able to stay at home with both children. That kind of thing is not something one can look lightly upon. Time just moves so fast, and if we can get the opportunity for one of us to stay home and be truly involved in our children's lives, then why not?
On another note, here are a couple of beautiful pictures of Wyoming...and yes, camping and the wonderful fishing this state offers is high on my list of wants!